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DL-100TMS-ZT ZigBee Temperature and Humidity Module (ZigBee Router) (RoHS) (Asia Only)



  • MeasurementRanges:-20~+60°Cand0~100%RH.
  • Accuracy:±0.4°C;±2.0%RH.
  • LCDDisplayShowsTemperature,HumidityandModuleID.
  • 10~30VDCPowerInput.
  • IP66Waterproof.
  • DataLoggerCanStoreUpto510TemperatureandHumidityRecords.
  • ModbusRTUProtocol.
  • ISM2.4GHzOperatingFrequency.
  • FullyCompliantwith2.4GIEEE802.15.4/ZigBee2007ProSpecifications.
  • WirelessTransmissionRangeupto100m.
  • GUIConfigurationSoftware(WindowsVersion).
  • SupportsAES-128EncryptionfortheWirelessCommunication(Passive).
  • SupportsZigBeeRepeaterFunction.
  • SurgeandESDProtection.


The DL-100TMS-ZT is a one-channel temperature and humidity data logger module. It contains a ZigBee communication interface and an LCM to display the module ID, temperature and humidity data, and allows you define the log time interval depending on your application.

The DL-100TMS-ZT supports the Modbus RTU protocol. We also provide software Utility that can be used to retrieve log data and display it in a chart on your desktop, and also allow you save the log data into an Excel format file.



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