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AIoT Jumpstart for Digital Transformation

AIS jump start kit

Learn more about our AIOT Jumpstart Program Today!

AIOT “Learn and implement” is a paid training program that specializes in training SMEs who want to follow the industry 4.0 standard in manage and optimize all aspects of your manufacturing processes and supply chain. To boost the efficiency and profitability of your business.

We focus on developing essential skills in using the latest technology for the digital transformation process.  Benefits include:-

  1. Greater productivity and better management of resources.
  2. More efficient decision-making based on real-time information.
  3. Optimized and integrated productive processes.
  4. Increase the flexibility to achieve mass production and personalized in real-time.
  5. Reduction of manufacturing time both in the design of new products and in the merchandising of these.
  6. Reduction of the percentage of defects or shrinkage in the factories since it will be possible to test the prototypes in a virtual way and the assembly lines will be optimized.

who should attend:-

  • SME manufacturers / Owners / Directors / Managers/Planners/ process improvement team leaders 
  • Production planners / Production engineers / production managers
  • We welcome participating system integrators in each industries sectors nationwide to work together to create a better service in each sectors. 


You are invited to join us for the preview on 14th Dec 2021  2.30 PM